Thursday, May 24, 2012

Ironman 70.3 The race against Lance - [ The run leg]

The run section of my race report

The run course consisted of 3 laps of 7km

Comparison of Lance Armstrong's run split to my run split for the 13.1mile/21.1km run course

Lance's run split = 1:15:56 (Average pace 5:47min per mile)

My run split = 1:48:35 (Average speed 8:17min per mile)

Well, what can I say about the run leg. Of the 3 sports running is my weakest discipline. I have been focusing more on my running over the last 1.5 -2  years. I aimed to run a 1:43 run split on Sunday but realised during the first 3km of the run course that this was just not going to happen. I ran a 1:30 half marathon in Miami during January and really felt that I could nail the run but I have found that I really struggle when it gets exceptionally hot and humid.

By the time I exited transition it was 10:40am it was already feeling like a baking oven outside. It was definitely in the low 90's with humidity at about 80%. It is interesting to note that Lance finished the course approx 30min before I headed out of T2. He started an hour earlier than my age group and also completed the course 1h11min faster than I did.

Lance Armstrong out on the run course (Photo taken by Jana Heath)
That is me out on the run course
I should have done a better job of familiarizing myself with the run course before the race. As we exited transition the run course was flat for about 1-2km then we approached two steep hills which made it tough transitioning from the bike. I had to walk the hills on all 3 laps as I could feel my calves cramping up if I tried running for too long while ascending the hill. I also had a stitch during the first 3km of the run course and a slight stomach cramp. Luckily the cramping and the stitch eventually disappeared but I had to be careful at the aid stations not to drink too much in one go as this would have just resulted in feeling bloated which could have resulted in GI distress/shutdown issues which is never fun.
That's me no. 1857 out on the run course

My plan was to run from aid station to aid station which is what I did. I lost time though as I walked from the beginning to end of each aid station. I drank gatorade and water at each station and threw ice water down my tri-suit to keep cool. I also held ice in my hand and stuck the ice cold sponges between my chest and tri-suit.

My plan was to conserve energy and hold something back for the last lap but I just felt so fatigued and I was struggling to cope with the heat. One often forgets how tough the last couple of kilometers can get in the Ironman or Half Ironman events as it is difficult to push that hard in workouts. It is something that I have seen in my last couple of races. I should definitely push harder during the last 6km of the run. This is where a significant amount of time can be gained or lost.

My final time for the half marathon was 1:48:35 which was not a PB run split for me but interestingly enough it was the highest I have ever placed in my age group in the run discipline. The fact that I placed 21st/175 in my age group and 158/1900 overall in the run tells me that all the other triathletes out on the course must have suffered on the run as well (except for the pro's).

My overall race results were as follows:

Total time 4:56:23 (My 2nd best half ironman time of the four official half ironman events I have done)

Overall M30-34 age group placement: 21st / 175 (My best age group placement for an Mdot race)

Overall finisher placement 158th / 1900 approx (Top 8%) (My best overall placement for an Mdot race)

    My friend Marius and I after finishing the race.

All and all I can definitely recommend Ironman Florida 70.3 as a race to do on the calendar especially if one has children as Disney World is only 40min away from the race venue. The only drawback for me is the M30-34 age group starting so late. I thought about a scenario where the Ironman brand can maybe introduce a seeding system whereby one starts in a wave not based on your age but based on your qualifying time. I guess the drawback to this is that there will be more athletes drafting each other on the bike leg due to athletes of similar ability starting off together.

I will be taking it easier training wise for the next couple of weeks while I ponder about which races to possibly do for the rest of the year. I am looking forward to this Sunday's Cayman Islands cycling 60mile road race.

Next weekend is the Cayman Islands 1 mile Flowers Sea Swim which has been rated as one of the 10 best open water sea swims to do in the world. I will be blogging about this event in a separate report in two weeks time. 

Over and out till later.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Beest!
    Awesome result! well done and very well written report. Really enjoyed reading it! All my regards to Jana!
